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Hardware-Accelerated Machine Learning

This feature allows you to use a GPU to accelerate machine learning tasks, such as Smart Search and Facial Recognition, while reducing CPU load. As this is a new feature, it is still experimental and may not work on all systems.


You do not need to redo any machine learning jobs after enabling hardware acceleration. The acceleration device will be used for any jobs that run after enabling it.

Supported Backends

  • ARM NN (Mali)
  • CUDA (NVIDIA GPUs with compute capability 5.2 or higher)
  • ROCm (AMD GPUs)
  • OpenVINO (Intel GPUs such as Iris Xe and Arc)


  • The instructions and configurations here are specific to Docker Compose. Other container engines may require different configuration.
  • Only Linux and Windows (through WSL2) servers are supported.
  • ARM NN is only supported on devices with Mali GPUs. Other Arm devices are not supported.
  • Some models may not be compatible with certain backends. CUDA is the most reliable.



  • Make sure you have the appropriate linux kernel driver installed
    • This is usually pre-installed on the device vendor's Linux images
  • /dev/mali0 must be available in the host server
    • You may confirm this by running ls /dev to check that it exists
  • You must have the closed-source firmware (possibly with an additional firmware file)
    • Where and how you can get this file depends on device and vendor, but typically, the device vendor also supplies these
    • The file assumes the path to it is /usr/lib/, so update accordingly if it is elsewhere
    • The file assumes an additional file /lib/firmware/mali_csffw.bin, so update accordingly if your device's driver does not require this file
  • Optional: Configure your .env file, see environment variables for ARM NN specific settings


  • The GPU must have compute capability 5.2 or greater.
  • The server must have the official NVIDIA driver installed.
  • The installed driver must be >= 535 (it must support CUDA 12.2).
  • On Linux (except for WSL2), you also need to have NVIDIA Container Toolkit installed.


  • The GPU must be supported by ROCm. If it isn't officially supported, you can attempt to use the HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION environmental variable: HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=<a supported version, e.g. 10.3.0>. If this doesn't work, you might need to also set HSA_USE_SVM=0.
  • The ROCm image is quite large and requires at least 35GiB of free disk space. However, pulling later updates to the service through Docker will generally only amount to a few hundred megabytes as the rest will be cached.
  • This backend is new and may experience some issues. For example, GPU power consumption can be higher than usual after running inference, even if the machine learning service is idle. In this case, it will only go back to normal after being idle for 5 minutes (configurable with the MACHINE_LEARNING_MODEL_TTL setting).


  • Integrated GPUs are more likely to experience issues than discrete GPUs, especially for older processors or servers with low RAM.
  • Ensure the server's kernel version is new enough to use the device for hardware accceleration.
  • Expect higher RAM usage when using OpenVINO compared to CPU processing.


  1. If you do not already have it, download the latest file and ensure it's in the same folder as the docker-compose.yml.
  2. In the docker-compose.yml under immich-machine-learning, uncomment the extends section and change cpu to the appropriate backend.
  3. Still in immich-machine-learning, add one of -[armnn, cuda, rocm, openvino] to the image section's tag at the end of the line.
  4. Redeploy the immich-machine-learning container with these updated settings.

Confirming Device Usage

You can confirm the device is being recognized and used by checking its utilization. There are many tools to display this, such as nvtop for NVIDIA or Intel, intel_gpu_top for Intel, and radeontop for AMD.

You can also check the logs of the immich-machine-learning container. When a Smart Search or Face Detection job begins, or when you search with text in Immich, you should either see a log for Available ORT providers containing the relevant provider (e.g. CUDAExecutionProvider in the case of CUDA), or a Loaded ANN model log entry without errors in the case of ARM NN.

Single Compose File

Some platforms, including Unraid and Portainer, do not support multiple Compose files as of writing. As an alternative, you can "inline" the relevant contents of the file into the immich-machine-learning service directly.

For example, the cuda section in this file is:

- driver: nvidia
count: 1
- gpu

You can add this to the immich-machine-learning service instead of extending from

container_name: immich_machine_learning
# Note the `-cuda` at the end
# Note the lack of an `extends` section
- driver: nvidia
count: 1
- gpu
- model-cache:/cache
- .env
restart: always

Once this is done, you can redeploy the immich-machine-learning container.


If you want to utilize multiple NVIDIA or Intel GPUs, you can set the MACHINE_LEARNING_DEVICE_IDS environmental variable to a comma-separated list of device IDs and set MACHINE_LEARNING_WORKERS to the number of listed devices. You can run a command such as nvidia-smi -L or glxinfo -B to see the currently available devices and their corresponding IDs.

For example, if you have devices 0 and 1, set the values as follows:


In this example, the machine learning service will spawn two workers, one of which will allocate models to device 0 and the other to device 1. Different requests will be processed by one worker or the other.

This approach can be used to simply specify a particular device as well. For example, setting MACHINE_LEARNING_DEVICE_IDS=1 will ensure device 1 is always used instead of device 0.

Note that you should increase job concurrencies to increase overall utilization and more effectively distribute work across multiple GPUs. Additionally, each GPU must be able to load all models. It is not possible to distribute a single model to multiple GPUs that individually have insufficient VRAM, or to delegate a specific model to one GPU.


  • If you encounter an error when a model is running, try a different model to see if the issue is model-specific.
  • You may want to increase concurrency past the default for higher utilization. However, keep in mind that this will also increase VRAM consumption.
  • Larger models benefit more from hardware acceleration, if you have the VRAM for them.