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This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed in future versions of the API.

This property was deprecated in v1.116.0

Query Parameters
count number

Possible values: 1 ≤ value

checksum string

base64 encoded sha1 hash

deviceAssetId string
deviceId string
duplicateId string OPTIONAL
duration string
exifInfo object OPTIONAL
city string OPTIONAL
country string OPTIONAL
dateTimeOriginal date-time OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
exifImageHeight number OPTIONAL
exifImageWidth number OPTIONAL
exposureTime string OPTIONAL
fNumber number OPTIONAL
fileSizeInByte int64 OPTIONAL
focalLength number OPTIONAL
iso number OPTIONAL
latitude number OPTIONAL
lensModel string OPTIONAL
longitude number OPTIONAL
make string OPTIONAL
model string OPTIONAL
modifyDate date-time OPTIONAL
orientation string OPTIONAL
projectionType string OPTIONAL
rating number OPTIONAL
state string OPTIONAL
timeZone string OPTIONAL
fileCreatedAt date-time
fileModifiedAt date-time
hasMetadata boolean
id string
isArchived boolean
isFavorite boolean
isOffline boolean
isTrashed boolean
libraryId string OPTIONAL

This property was deprecated in v1.106.0

livePhotoVideoId string OPTIONAL
localDateTime date-time
originalFileName string
originalMimeType string OPTIONAL
originalPath string
owner object OPTIONAL
avatarColor string

Possible values: [primary, pink, red, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange, gray, amber]

email string
id string
name string
profileChangedAt date-time
profileImagePath string
ownerId string
people object[] OPTIONAL
birthDate date
color string OPTIONAL

This property was added in v1.126.0

faces object[]
boundingBoxX1 integer
boundingBoxX2 integer
boundingBoxY1 integer
boundingBoxY2 integer
id uuid
imageHeight integer
imageWidth integer
sourceType string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [machine-learning, exif, manual]

id string
isFavorite boolean OPTIONAL

This property was added in v1.126.0

isHidden boolean
name string
thumbnailPath string
updatedAt date-time OPTIONAL

This property was added in v1.107.0

resized boolean OPTIONAL

This property was deprecated in v1.113.0

stack object OPTIONAL
assetCount integer
id string
primaryAssetId string
tags object[] OPTIONAL
color string OPTIONAL
createdAt date-time
id string
name string
parentId string OPTIONAL
updatedAt date-time
value string
thumbhash string
type string

Possible values: [IMAGE, VIDEO, AUDIO, OTHER]

unassignedFaces object[] OPTIONAL
boundingBoxX1 integer
boundingBoxX2 integer
boundingBoxY1 integer
boundingBoxY2 integer
id uuid
imageHeight integer
imageWidth integer
sourceType string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [machine-learning, exif, manual]

updatedAt date-time