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System Settings

The admin user can manage settings for the Immich instance here.


You can always return to the default settings by clicking the Reset to default button.

Authentication Settings

Manage password, OAuth, and other authentication settings

OAuth Authentication

Immich supports OAuth Authentication. Read more about this feature and its configuration here.

Password Authentication

The administrator can choose to disable login with username and password for the entire instance. This means that no one, including the system administrator, will be able to log using this method. If OAuth Authentication is also disabled, no users will be able to login using any method. Changing this setting does not affect existing sessions, just new login attempts.


You can always use the Server CLI to re-enable password login.

Image Settings (thumbnails and previews)

  • Thumbnails - Used in the main timeline.
  • Previews - Used in the asset viewer.

By default Immich creates 3 thumbnails for each asset, Blurred (thumbhash) , Small - thumbnails (webp) , and Large - previews (jpeg/webp), using these settings you can change the quality for the thumbnails and previews files that are created.

Thumbnail format
Allows you to choose the type of format you want for the Thumbnail images, Webp produces smaller files than jpeg, but is slower to encode.


You can read in detail about the advantages and disadvantages of using webp over jpeg on Adobe's website

Thumbnail resolution
Used when viewing groups of photos (main timeline, album view, etc.). Higher resolutions can preserve more detail but take longer to encode, have larger file sizes, and can reduce app responsiveness.

Preview format
Allows you to choose the type of format you want for the Preview images, Webp produces smaller files than jpeg, but is slower to encode.

Preview resolution
Used when viewing a single photo and for machine learning. Higher resolutions can preserve more detail but take longer to encode, have larger file sizes, and can reduce app responsiveness.

Image quality from 1-100. Higher is better for quality but produces larger files, this option affects the Preview and Thumbnail images.

Prefer wide gamut
Use Display P3 for thumbnails. This better preserves the vibrance of images with wide colorspaces, but images may appear differently on old devices with an old browser version. sRGB images are kept as sRGB to avoid color shifts.

Prefer embedded preview
Use embedded previews in RAW photos as the input to image processing when available. This can produce more accurate colors for some images, but the quality of the preview is camera-dependent and the image may have more compression artifacts.


The default resolution for Large thumbnails can be lowered from 1440p (default) to 1080p or 720p to save storage space.

Job Settings

Using these settings, you can determine the amount of work that will run concurrently for each task in microservices. Some tasks can be set to higher values on computers with powerful hardware and storage with good I/O capabilities.

With higher concurrency, the host will work on more assets in parallel, this advice improves throughput, not latency, for example, it will make Smart Search jobs process more quickly, but it won't make searching faster.

It is important to remember that jobs like Smart Search, Face Detection, Facial Recognition, and Transcode Videos require a lot of processing power and therefore do not exaggerate the amount of jobs because you're probably thoroughly overloading the server.


If you increase the concurrency from the defaults we set, especially for thumbnail generation, make sure you do not increase them past the amount of CPU cores you have available. Doing so can impact API responsiveness with no gain in thumbnail generation speed.

Facial Recognition Concurrency

The Facial Recognition Concurrency value cannot be changed because DBSCAN is traditionally sequential, but there are parallel implementations of it out there. Our implementation isn't parallel.

External Library

Library watching (EXPERIMENTAL)

External libraries can automatically import changed files without a full rescan. It will import the file whenever the operating system reports a file change. If your photos are mounted over the network, this does not work.

Periodic Scanning

You can define a custom interval for the trigger external library rescan under Administration -> Settings -> Library.
You can set the scanning interval using the preset or cron format. For more information please refer to e.g. Crontab Guru.


The default Immich log level is Log (commonly known as Info). The Immich administrator can choose a higher or lower log level according to personal preference or as requested by the Immich support team.

Machine Learning Settings

Through this setting, you can manage all the settings related to machine learning in Immich, from the setting of remote machine learning to the model and its parameters You can choose to disable a certain type of machine learning, for example smart search or facial recognition.


The built in (http://immich-machine-learning:3003) machine learning server will be configured by default, but you can change this or add additional servers.

Hosting the immich-machine-learning container on a machine with a more powerful GPU can be helpful to for processing a large number of photos (such as during batch import) or for faster search.

If more than one URL is provided, each server will be attempted one-at-a-time until one responds successfully, in order from first to last. Servers that don't respond will be temporarily ignored until they come back online.

The smart search settings allow you to change the CLIP model. Larger models will typically provide more accurate search results but consume more processing power and RAM. When changing the CLIP model it is mandatory to re-run the Smart Search job on all images to fully apply the change.

Internet connection

Changing models requires a connection to the Internet to download the model. After downloading, there is no need for Immich to connect to the network Unless version checking has been enabled in the settings.

Duplicate Detection

Use CLIP embeddings to find likely duplicates. The maximum detection distance can be configured in order to improve / reduce the level of accuracy.

  • Maximum detection distance - Maximum distance between two images to consider them duplicates, ranging from 0.001-0.1. Higher values will detect more duplicates, but may result in false positives.

Facial Recognition

Under these settings, you can change the facial recognition settings Editable settings:

  • Facial Recognition Model
  • Min Detection Score
  • Max Recognition Distance
  • Min Recognized Faces

You can learn more about these options on the Facial Recognition page


When changing the values in Min Detection Score, Max Recognition Distance, and Min Recognized Faces. You will have to restart only the job FACIAL RECOGNITION - ALL.

If you replace the Facial Recognition Model, you will have to run the job FACE DETECTION - ALL.

identical twins

If you have twins, you might want to lower the Max Recognition Distance value, decreasing this a bit can make it distinguish between them.

Map & GPS Settings

Map Settings

In these settings, you can change the appearance of the map in night and day modes according to your personal preference and according to the supported options. The map can be adjusted via OpenMapTiles for example.

Reverse Geocoding Settings

Immich supports Reverse Geocoding using data from the GeoNames geographical database.

Notification Settings

SMTP server setup, for user creation notifications, new albums, etc. More information can be found here

Notification Templates

Override the default notifications text with notification templates. More information can be found here

Server Settings

External Domain

Overrides the domain name in shared links and email notifications. The URL should not include a trailing slash.

Welcome Message

The administrator can set a custom message on the login screen (the message will be displayed to all users).

Storage Template

Immich supports a custom Storage Template. Learn more about this feature and its configuration here.

Theme Settings

You can write custom CSS that will get loaded in the web application for all users. This enables administrators to change fonts, colors, and other styles.

For example:

Custom CSS
p {
color: green;

Trash Settings

In the system administrator's option to set a trash for deleted files, these files will remain in the trash until the deletion date 30 days (default) or as defined by the system administrator.

The trash can be disabled, however this is not recommended as future files that are deleted will be permanently deleted.

Keyboard shortcut for permanently deletion

You can select assets and press Ctrl + Del from the timeline for quick permanent deletion without the trash option.

User Settings

Delete delay

The system administrator can choose to delete users through the administration panel, the system administrator can delete users immediately or alternatively delay the deletion for users (7 days by default) this action permanently delete a user's account and assets. The user deletion job runs at midnight to check for users that are ready for deletion. Changes to this setting will be evaluated at the next execution.

Version Check

When this option is enabled the immich-server will periodically make requests to GitHub to check for new releases.

Video Transcoding Settings

The system administrator can configure which video files will be converted to different formats. The settings can be changed in depth, to learn more about the terminology used here, refer to FFmpeg documentation for H.264 codec, HEVC codec and VP9 codec.

Which streams of a video file will be transcoded is determined by the Transcode Policy. Streams that are transcoded use the following settings (config file name in brackets). Streams that are not transcoded are untouched and preserve their original settings.

Accepted containers (ffmpeg.acceptedContainers)

If the video asset's container format is not in this list, it will be remuxed to MP4 even if no streams need to be transcoded.

The default set of accepted container formats is mov, ogg and webm.

Preset (ffmpeg.preset)

The amount of "compute effort" to put into transcoding. These use the preset names from h264 and will be converted to appropriate values for encoders that configure effort in different ways.

The default value is ultrafast.

Audio codec (ffmpeg.targetAudioCodec)

Which audio codec to use when the audio stream is being transcoded. Can be one of mp3, aac, libopus.

The default value is aac.

Video Codec (ffmpeg.targetVideoCodec)

Which video codec to use when the video stream is being transcoded. Can be one of h264, hevc, vp9 or av1.

The default value is h264.

Target resolution (ffmpeg.targetResolution)

When transcoding a video stream, downscale the largest dimension to this value while preserving aspect ratio. Videos are never upscaled.

The default value is 720.

Transcode policy (ffmpeg.transcode)

The transcoding policy configures which streams of a video asset will be transcoded. The transcoding decision is made independently for video streams and audio streams. This means that if a video stream needs to be transcoded, but an audio stream does not, then the video stream will be transcoded while the audio stream will be copied. If the transcoding policy does not require any stream to be transcoded and does not require the video to be remuxed, then no separate video file will be created.

The default policy is required.

All videos (all)

Videos are always transcoded. This ensures consistency during video playback.

Don't transcode any videos (disabled)

Videos are never transcoded. This saves space and resources on the server, but may prevent playback on devices that don't support the source format (especially web browsers) or result in high bandwidth usage when playing high-bitrate files.

Only videos not in an accepted format (required)

Video streams are transcoded when any of the following conditions are met:

  • The video is HDR.
  • The video is not in the yuv420p pixel format.
  • The video codec is not in acceptedVideoCodecs.

Audio is transcoded if the audio codec is not in acceptedAudioCodecs.

Videos higher than max bitrate or not in an accepted format (bitrate)

In addition to the conditions in required, video streams are also transcoded if their bitrate is over maxBitrate.

Videos higher than target resolution or not in an accepted format (optimal)

In addition to the conditions in required, video streams are also transcoded if the horizontal and vertical dimensions are higher than targetResolution.